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By establishing governance and strategy for CSR, Doosan is systematically implementing a Corporate Social Responsibility.

Doosan Power Systems India has laid the foundation for its comprehensive sustainability management system by integrating key focus areas of Human Rights, Ethical Management, Shared Growth, EHS and Community Development & Involvement (CDI) initiatives within its business execution strategies. This is aligned with Doosan’s corporate philosophy of Doosan Way and 2G (Growth of People, Growth of Business) and drives the overall CSR strategy and its meticulous execution.

In 2014, in-accordance with the Indian Government CSR Legislation (Section 135 of Companies Act,, 2013) Doosan Power Systems India had formed the Board level CSR Committee. This Committee is the highest level decision-making body regarding CSR strategic direction, periodically reviewing CSR initiatives and their execution. In 2016, by incorporating the comprehensive Doosan Group philosophy, Doosan Power Systems India established the CSR Steering Committee, which further reinforces the Doosan Power Systems India CSR commitment. This CSR Steering committee consists of key executives from all major divisions of Doosan Power Systems India and has holistic focus on Human Rights, EHS, Ethical Management, Shared Growth and Community Development & Involvement (CDI) activities. These sub-sectors are overseen by their respective key executives to ensure that CSR management system is embedded in our daily business activities.

The focus is on sharing growth with all the stakeholders and communities that we co-exist with, while meaningfully engaging our employees to make a difference to the less privileged lives. Guided by the CSR Steering Committee, Doosan Power Systems India has created new comprehensive systems of CSR Governance and Assessment in 2016 to implement the holistic approach to sustainable CSR management. We will pursue global benchmarks in processes for operational excellence and find new ways to discover value and share it across all stakeholders.

Proud Global Doosan

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Our Belief

Our Belief
The spirit that drives our people is the core of the Doosan Credo.

Our Aspiration & Core Values

Our Aspiration & Core Values

Presenting the 'Doosan Credo,' the management philosophy and business methodology for the past and future 100 years.

Our Strategy

Our Strategy

Doosan's people-oriented philosophy is reflected in its management strategy. Learn about the 2G strategy of Doosan