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Community Development & Involvement

Volunteer Groups at Doosan Power Systems India
Volunteer Groups at Doosan Power Systems India

Doosan Power Systems India recognizes that business enterprises are economic organs that draw on societal resources and both must thrive symbiotically for a better future for all. At Doosan Power Systems India, Community Development and Involvement (CDI) is an integral part of our business philosophy and strategic planning. We understand that sustainable and inclusive growth is essential for the holistic development of underprivileged communities and thus they are the target beneficiaries of our CDI initiatives, especially in our immediate communities. Doosan Power Systems India’s social investment initiatives comply with India’s CSR Rules as per the Companies Act 2013 and also make a meaningful contribution towards the objectives of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Volunteer Groups at Doosan Power Systems India
    Volunteer Groups at Doosan Power Systems India

    Volunteer Groups at Doosan Power Systems India

    Doosan Power Systems India’s social contribution platter is served by its employees who volunteer enthusiastically even in harsh weather to earn smiles in return.
    Doosan Power Systems India has adopted a structured system of addressing needs and issues for community development. It has a Community Development and Involvement (CDI) Operational Committee at each of the company locations comprising of representatives from multiple departments. This Committee focuses on identifying community and other local needs and proposes action plans to engage resources and volunteers. At each of our locations and beyond, Doosan Power Systems India employees volunteer as change bearers for development of the less privileged people and needy institutions. For instance, Doosan Power Systems India volunteers provide training to teachers and students in schools and ITIs, carryout cleaning drives, organize health camps and road safety drives across villages, repair and install furniture and fixtures like RO, plant trees and much more.

  • Social Contribution through Employees’ Payroll Giving Social Contribution through Employees’ Payroll Giving Social Contribution through Employees’ Payroll Giving
    Social Contribution through Employees’ Payroll Giving Social Contribution through Employees’ Payroll Giving Social Contribution through Employees’ Payroll Giving

    Social Contribution through Employees’ Payroll Giving

    Voluntary Care for People and Planet through individual and company matching contribution.
    Doosan Power Systems India employees have voluntarily pledged to donate a portion of their monthly salary with Doosan Power Systems India contributing matching funds. This corpus is used for supporting various regular and emergency activities taken up by Doosan Power Systems India from time to time. For instance, this includes supporting natural calamity relief activities, creating infrastructure for self-reliance of underprivileged people, environmental up-gradation activities, support for the differently abled and many more.

  • Supporting Underprivileged people towards Self-Reliance
    Supporting Underprivileged people towards Self-Reliance

    Supporting Underprivileged people towards Self-Reliance

    Benefitting education and livelihood of underprivileged people through sustained support.
    Doosan Power Systems India is supporting multiple facets of education and training to make it interesting and productive for the future of India. Doosan Power Systems India supports schools and Govt. Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) to take them closer towards self-reliance. Supporting their infrastructure, Doosan Power Systems India has renovated dilapidated classrooms, toilets, school pavements, stage etc. and provided Education Facilities like laptops, projectors, furniture, workshop tools & machines, uniforms, stationeries etc. to both private and Government run schools and Industrial Training Institutes (ITI). Further, we have installed several borewells in backward rural areas to help farmers have access to water all-round the year, improving their livelihood and economic prospects.

  • Community Health and Wellbeing
    Community Health and Wellbeing

    Community Health and Wellbeing

    Health and Safety Communities is our priority
    With an eye on better health and well-being of our communities, Doosan Power Systems India has always kept it as its front line agenda to support community health through provision of health facilities & services and improving its access among the underprivileged people. For instance, Doosan Power Systems India donated an Ultra-Sound Scanner to a Government Primary Health Centre (Hospital) where patients otherwise travelled over 20 km for such maternity related scans. Health Camps for needy villagers, RO systems for schools, and Road Safety Awareness drives are a regular feature of Doosan Power Systems India’s Community Care activities open for all villagers. We also support orphans and differently abled people in multiple ways to have a more dignified living.

  • Environment Sustainability Environment Sustainability
    Environment Sustainability Environment Sustainability

    Environment Sustainability

    Doosan Power Systems India believes in environment sustainability and promotes all round cleanliness, conservation of green cover and eco-friendly practices.
    Our environment caring activities in community include cleanliness drives, tree plantation, promotion of eco-friendly infrastructure such as toilets, energy efficient lighting among others. All such initiatives are designed and facilitated by Doosan Power Systems India volunteers.

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Our Aspiration & Core Values

Presenting the 'Doosan Credo,' the management philosophy and business methodology for the past and future 100 years.