CSR Guidelines for Suppliers
To ensure sustainability of supply chain, Doosan Power Systems India gives due consideration to environmental and societal well-being as well as health and safety of all stakeholders. Accordingly, we have incorporated the CSR guidelines for suppliers based on 10 principles of United Nations Global Compact in Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption. These guidelines provide the basis for the efforts we are making in conjunction with our business partners to promote social responsibility in the supply chain.
Human Rights
Every supplier of Doosan Power Systems India shall avoid Child labour or forced labour, discrimination on the basis of personal characteristics like gender, religion, origin etc. and any form of harassment in workplace.
Every supplier of Doosan Power Systems India shall have fair rules and regulations as per applicable laws for minimum wages, overtime, working hours etc. They shall have open two-way communication policy with their employees or their representatives. They shall also ensure constant development of their employees by providing them proper training.
Health and Safety
Every supplier of Doosan Power Systems India shall understand and ensure healthy and safe working conditions like adequate lighting, proper ventilation, sanitary facilities, medical care etc. and shall take effective measures to prevent industrial accidents. They shall also provide training to their employees for emergencies.
Environmental Protection
Every supplier of Doosan Power Systems India shall adhere to environmental laws and shall take all necessary measure to prevent pollution like proper waste disposable system, re-cycling/re-use of by-products,/waste products use of environmental friendly technologies like ZLD (zero liquid discharge) technology etc.
Legal compliance
Every supplier of Doosan Power Systems India shall establish and implement policies and mechanisms for ensuring and verifying legal compliance, including ethical code of conduct, fair trade practices etc.
No supplier shall engage in anti-corruption activities like giving or receiving presents, entertainment, money to customers, suppliers, and other business partners with the intention to acquire or maintain unjust interest or wrongful preferential treatment.
Doosan Power Systems India will also encourage our suppliers to gain understanding of CSR philosophy and set up their efforts in areas related to CSR. With the aim of establishing the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle comprising self-diagnosis, inspection/ verification and improvement under the Supplier CSR Guidelines. Doosan Power Systems India will continue to work with our suppliers to constantly educate them about the relevant CSR practices, while making efforts to strengthen our productive partnerships.