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For Business Partners

Creating Win-Win business partnerships for mutual growth

Bulk tenders were a key catalyst for the significant addition in the Indian BTG manufacturing space. Domestic BTG manufacturing capacity not just increased multifold, it also spurred the growth of new and emerging vendors. After the Kudgi and Lara project awards, Doosan Power Systems India started the projects’ execution working with several new vendors. One thing that became evident soon was that since there were many new domestic vendors, there were significant challenges involved. This has been a long grueling yet rewarding journey, where Doosan Power Systems India has worked with many vendors and has endeavored towards mutual growth by continuing to work with many of them till date.

One of our new fabrication vendors had manufactured and supplied the pressure parts rigid hanger to the project site where it was learnt that the material had thread mismatch with other assemblies and had to be re-manufactured entirely. Doosan Power Systems India tacitly understood that the new vendor lacked technical expertise, project execution and coordination experience. This meant material, time and cost loss for both the vendor & Doosan Power Systems India and thus, a substantial set back to the project.

Doosan Power Systems India realized that the only way to catch-up the project timelines was the rectification process which involved the unique thread machining technique to maintain the required strength of the hanger assembly. To turnaround this disconcerting situation, Doosan Power Systems India decided to work arduously with the fabrication vendor at his shop floor. Doosan Power Systems India arranged for Korean technical experts’ team and deployed them for months to oversee and share their expertise with the fabrication vendor in order to expedite the required quality material dispatch to the site. The experts worked round the clock with the vendor staff to ensure innovative modifications, after removing all damaged portions. All necessary replacements and rectifications were conducted innovatively under supervision of experts, along with vendor staff, without compromising on the client requirements.

Through this process, Doosan Power Systems India nurtured and incubated the vendor’s staff skill sets with these specialized machining and welding techniques. The vendor acknowledged that this kind of value addition and mentoring he had never ever experienced before and is deeply indebted to Doosan Power Systems India for this wonderful growth opportunity. Now, this fabrication vendor has become adept and has developed advanced skills to handle such special machining and welding tasks for future projects.

This case truly demonstrates Doosan Power Systems India’s symbiotic growth mind-set which reinforces the robust foundation for a mutually rewarding partnership.

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